Chapter I - Voice & Body

The body alfabet


Voice&Body is training for theater, singing and dance professionals, but also for anyone interested in the voice. I offer weekly and weekend internships for groups of 8 to 15 people.

The internships are structured according to the methodology developed by Zygmunt Molik called Voice&Body, and transmitted to me by Jorge Parente. At Voice&Body, we use a 'body alphabet' created by Zygmunt Molik, where each 'letter' is at the service of the voice. Each of these letters represents a physical action and serves as the material that prepares the body and breath so that the voice can emerge. The participant will begin by learning the “body alphabet” and will follow the following work steps:

  • Learning the 'body alphabet' for mobilizing the body.
  • Moment of research and exploration of the letters of the body's alphabet in improvisation.
  • Harmonization and exploration of movement with breathing at the service of the voice.
  • Working with texts and songs proposed by the participants

Photography of a Voice&Body session, Yousef Alhosam
Photography of a Voice&Body session, Yousef Alhosam

Photography of a Voice&Body session, Yousef Alhosam

Chapter II - Molik_Parente

Voice & Body

Zygmunt Molik (1930-2010) was one of the central figures of Jerzy Grotowski's Teatr Laboratorium. Present since the founding of the iconic group, Zygmunt Molik was responsible for vocal training. After the group's dissolution, Molik pursued a pedagogical path linked to the voice. Voice&Body is, for all these reasons, an extraordinary synthesis of more than 25 years of experience on the human body and voice, and an open path for continued research.

“The problem with my workshops is that there is no one to continue the work, except for Jorge Parente from Portugal, who lives in Paris. He will be my successor, as he masters everything with precision. He did it, tried it on his own and it worked. Everything is fine. So ‘nomo nis moriar’ I will not die completely. I will leave a successor.” - Zygmunt Molik

Jorge Parente, born in Portugal in 1963 and residing in France since 1971, took over Molik's legacy in 2011 and began dedicating himself to broadcasting Voice&Body. He was close to the master for 18 years, first as a student and then as his assistant. Before assuming the continuity of teaching Voice&Body, Jorge Parente already had extensive experience as a theater and film actor, and also as a director. His knowledge of the dramatic arts and his years of closeness to his master make him a pedagogue with profound technical and human knowledge.

My first Voice&Body internship was in 2014: a remarkable and decisive encounter. Jorge Parente's method and pedagogical approach made a strong impression on me. Even today, I continue to admire the way in which the method and Jorge work harmoniously to reconcile rigor and tolerance, precision and breadth. In this reconciliation lies the direction that Jorge Parente invites us to take: listening.. “Like a hunter, the whole body like a big ear!”


Photography of a Voice&Body session, Yousef Alhosam


Lisboa - espaço ACCCA - April 6-7

Lisboa - espaço ACCCA - 29-30 June

Lisboa - espaço ACCCA - 27-28 July

Castelo de Vide - 27-29 Setembro

Lisboa prodança - 7-11 Outubro Estágio com Jorge Parente e assistido por António Dente

Ressonância V&B-Yoga - 23 e 24 Novembro

Chorus work 

Castelo de Vide-
18 de Setembro
25 de Setembro
2 de Outubro
23 de Outubro
30 de Outubro
Lisboa - espaço ACCCA
21 de Setembro
12 de Outubro
26 de Outubro

to the next event


Photography of a Voice&Body session, Yousef Alhosam

Chapter III - About me

From painting to voice

I was born on September 29, 1989 in Lisbon.

I finished the Painting course at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon in 2013. In the same year, I completed the annual course for actors, at the John Frey studio for actors. In April 2014, I took the first workshop with Jorge Parente, in Lisbon. Since then, I have dedicated myself to studying and broadcasting Voice&Body. I also continue to follow Jorge Parente on the Voice&Body broadcast in Europe. 

In addition to being present in training in countries such as France, Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands and Switzerland, I participated in the projects: Ser Português (2015-2016), Lorca (2017-2018) and Penthésilée (2023-2024), all they linked to the application of the method in theater.

Currently, in addition to transmitting the Voice&Body method, I lead a weekly work on choir work.

For many years, painting and drawing provided a kind of refuge where I could remain silent, in a state of very particular attention. The encounter with Jorge and this method changed my relationship with spatiality, although in a certain way, I found that same particular attention, where one can easily remain silent… or sing

Theatre and cinema



2013, Bem-vindos de novo,  John Patrick Shanley
2014, O último mergulho,  John Patrick Shanley
2015, Hotel Japão,  António Maria Dente


2013, Bem-vindos de novo, John Patrick Shanley
2014, Peças curtas de John Patrick Stanley, John Patrick Shanley
2014, O último mergulho,  John Patrick Stanley 
2014, Ilusão, García Lorca, Teatro da Cornucópia
2015, Hotel Japão, António Maria Dente
2015, Narciso, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, direction of Luís Miguel Cintra in Teatro da Cornucópia
2018-19, Orizuru, creation of Companhia de Música Teatral



2015, Despedida, Tiago Rosa-Rosso
2016, Zootrópio, Tiago Rosa-Rosso
2021, Catatónia, Tiago Rosa-Rosso
2022, Um Dia Feliz, Tiago Rosa-Rosso